Биография коко шанель на английском языке. Коко Шанель: рождена, чтобы выжить Коко шанель биография на английском языке

Coco Chanel (19.08.1883 – 10.01.1971) - French fashion designer.

Coco Chanel (Gabrielle Bonheur) was a prominent French designer of clothes. She was born on August the 19th, 1883 in Saumur. Her mother died when she was hardly twelve. Her father didn’t want to take responsibility for five children and they were sent to the shelter for the poor. When Gabrielle was 18, she got a job of a shop-assistant at one clothing store. She spent her free time singing in cabarets. The song she often sang was called “Qui qu"a vu Coco”, which is why people started calling her Coco. Although she didn’t become a successful singer, she was noticed by one of the wealthy retired officers - Etienne Balsan.

He was fascinated by her performances and invited her to live in his Parisian house. At first, she liked living in a new, richly decorated house. However, it was difficult for her to get used to the status of a mistress. She spent years trying to understand what she actually wanted in life. Soon, she told Balsan that she wanted to become a milliner, but he only laughed at her idea. He said that there were so many milliners in Paris and Coco didn’t even have experience. Later, another man appeared in her life. It was Balsan’s English friend - Arthur Capel, also known as “Boy”. Since then, her life had radically changed. Arthur was a successful businessman with excellent entrepreneurial skills. He encouraged Coco to develop her idea and helped her to open her first store of ladies’ hats in Paris in 1910.

Three years later she opened a boutique in Deauville. From now on, she was a real businesswoman. Nothing could stop her neither the lack of experience, nor the First World War. She was an entrepreneur and a designer at the same time, creating her own elegant style. She became quickly recognizable among the famous ladies of Paris. Chanel became the first tailor who was the part of high society. She completely changed public opinion on designer’s labor. After the announcement of the Second World War, she closed all her showrooms as she understood that it was the wrong time for fashion. In 1944, she was arrested for a while because of the rumors about her affair with a German officer. After that she moved to Switzerland where she spent the next ten years.

Chanel’s glory was gradually disappearing, as the post-war fashion was mainly in the hands of Balenciaga and Dior houses. However, in 1953 she re-opened her salon in Paris and a year later she established her own fashion house. There was lots of criticizing in local newspapers, but she ignored them. All she needed was three years to restore her fame. Thus, a 70-year-old woman again changed the whole idea of fashion, making her style dominant. The great milliner died in 1971 at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Her style is still considered to be the most elegant in the history of fashion.

Лучшие - образцы мудрости и остроумия.

  • Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
    Мода существует не только в платьях. Она существует в небе, на улице. Мода связана с идеями, образом жизни, происходящими событиями.
  • A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
    Девушке нужны два качества: она должна быть стильной и потрясающей (фантастической).
  • I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.
    Мне всё равно, что вы думаете обо мне. Я о вас не думаю вообще.
  • There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time.
    Для сухой монотонности просто нет времени. Есть время для работы - и есть время для любви. Ни на что другое времени нет.
  • I wanted to give a woman comfortable clothes that would flow with her body. A woman is closest to being naked when she is well-dressed.
    Я хотела дать женщине удобную одежду, облегающую её тело. Женщина ближе всего к обнажённости, когда она хорошо одета.
  • Fashion is architecture: It is a matter of proportions.
    Мода - это архитектура: она вся зависит от пропорций.
  • There are people who have money and people who are rich.
    Есть люди, которые имеют деньги, а есть люди, которые богаты.
  • Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.
    Роскошь должна быть удобной, иначе это не роскошь.
  • Fashion has become a joke. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they must also be able to move, to get into a car without bursting their seams! Clothes must have a natural shape.
    Мода превратилась в шутку. Модельеры забыли, что внутри платьев находятся женщины. Большинство женщин одеваются для мужчин и хотят их восхищать. Но ведь ещё надо двигаться, надо сесть в машину так, чтобы не лопнули швы! Одежда должна иметь естественные формы.
  • Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most important problem, is to rejuvenate women. To make women look young. Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous.
    Мода всегда соответствует тому времени, в котором вы живете. Она неотделима от него. Но самая большая проблема, самая важная проблема - это омолодить женщин. Сделать так, чтобы женщины выглядели молодо. Тогда их мировоззрение меняется. Они чувствуют себя более счастливыми.
  • Don"t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.
    Не тратьте время на то, чтобы стучаться об стену, надеясь превратить её в дверь.
  • Success is often achieved by those who don"t know that failure is inevitable.
    Успех часто приходит к тем, кто не знает о том, что неудача неизбежна.
  • Great loves too must be endured.
    Всякую большую любовь тоже надо уметь вынести (пережить).
  • Since everything is in our heads, we had better not lose them.
    Так как всё находится у нас в головах, то нам лучше не терять их.
  • In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
    Чтобы быть незаменимой, надо всегда быть разной.
  • Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.
    Элегантность не является прерогативой тех, кто только что выскочил из подросткового возраста, но тех, кто уже завладел своим будущим.
  • A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future.
    Женщина, которая не пользуется духами (парфюмом), не имеет будущего.
  • Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
    Мода проходит, стиль остаётся.

Коко Шанель

Примечание: интересные и остроумные высказывания известных (и не только) людей можно найти в материале "

Fashion designer. Born on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France. With her trademark suits and little black dresses, Coco Chanel created timeless designs that are still popular today. She herself became a much revered style icon known for her simple yet sophisticated outfits paired with great accessories, such as several strands of pearls. As Chanel once said,“luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury.”

Her early years, however, were anything but glamorous. After her mother’s death, Chanel was put in an orphanage by her father who worked as a peddler. She was raised by nuns who taught her how to sew — a skill that would lead to her life’s work. Her nickname came from another occupation entirely. During her brief career as a singer, Chanel performed in clubs in Vichy and Moulins where she was called “Coco.” Some say that the name comes from one of the songs she used to sing, and Chanel herself said that it was a “shortened version of cocotte, the French word for ‘kept woman,” according to an article in The Atlantic.

Around the age of 20, Chanel became involved with Etienne Balsan who offered to help her start a millinery business in Paris. She soon left him for one of his even wealthier friends, Arthur “Boy” Capel. Both men were instrumental in Chanel’s first fashion venture.

Opening her first shop on Paris’s Rue Cambon in 1910, Chanel started out selling hats. She later added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began making clothes. Her first taste of clothing success came from a dress she fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. In response to the many people who asked about where she got the dress, she offered to make one for them. “My fortune is built on that old jersey that I’d put on because it was cold in Deauville,” she once told author Paul Morand.

In the 1920s, Chanel took her thriving business to new heights. She launched her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, which was the first to feature a designer’s name. Perfume “is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion. . . . that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure,” Chanel once explained.

In 1925, she introduced the now legendary Chanel suit with collarless jacket and well-fitted skirt. Her designs were revolutionary for the time — borrowing elements of men’s wear and emphasizing comfort over the constraints of then-popular fashions. She helped women say good-bye to the days of corsets and other confining garments.

Another 1920s revolutionary design was Chanel’s little black dress. She took a color once associated with mourning and showed just how chic it could be for eveningwear. In addition to fashion, Chanel was a popular figure in the Paris literary and artistic worlds. She designed costumes for the Ballets Russes and for Jean Cocteau’s play Orphée, and counted Cocteau and artist Pablo Picasso among her friends. For a time, Chanel had a relationship with composer Igor Stravinsky.

Another important romance for Chanel began in the 1920s. She met the wealthy duke of Westminster aboard his yacht around 1923, and the two started a decades-long relationship. In response to his marriage proposal, she reportedly said “There have been several Duchesses of Westminster — but there is only one Chanel!”

The international economic depression of the 1930s had a negative impact on her company, but it was the outbreak of World War II that led Chanel to close her business. She fired her workers and shut down her shops.

В разделе на вопрос У кого-нибудь есть биография любого очень-очень известного(типа Коко Шанель)дизайнера на английском языке? заданный автором Женя Быченкова лучший ответ это Coco ChanelFashion DesignerName at birth: Gabrielle Bonheur ChanelDesigner Coco Chanel gave the world the little black dress, Chanel No. 5 perfume, and a casually classic notion of style that influenced women"s clothes throughout the 20th century. Coco -- a nickname meaning "little pet" -- was raised in an orphanage, where she learned to sew. In 1910 she began selling hats from her own shop, and by the 1920s her fashion business had expanded to include a couture house, her own textile factory and a line of perfumes that included the famous No. 5. Chanel took women"s fashions away from corseted styles and introduced casual, practical clothing that borrowed fabrics and attitudes from men"s fashion. She was the first to introduce black as a fashion color; her versatile, semi-formal "little black dress" became a Chanel trademark and an enduring fashion standard. During and after World War II Chanel"s popularity waned, and her love affair with a Nazi officer kept her in a form of self-imposed exile in Switzerland for more than a decade. She made a comeback in 1954 and her designs became some of the most popular in the western world, especially in the United States. Since her death the Coco Chanel Company has been under the direction of designer Karl Lagerfeld.или надо еще кого? пиши на почтовый ящик